Sunday 19 September 2010

I'm not moving!

We spend all week fantasising about how we will pass our weekend....all the things we are going to do, all the places we are going to go.  And then what happens?

Well, if you're me, and its today, you are sat on the settee, laptop on lap (?!) and without the slightest inclination to move!  Not the slightest interest in doing anything I had planned.  Not going to move for anything.

I am staying right here!
In fairness, I did get up before anyone else this morning and bake two (highly impressive) loaves of bread, making the house smell as good as an in store bakery - which I regard to be a very thoughtful gesture to my housemates.  I have also done two loads of laundry and strung it all around the house to's rubbish I think I have done my bit really, don't you?

Husband is going to make the dinner, and so in theory all I have to do is rustle up some kind of lunch, and furnish myself (and him if I'm feeling generous) with the occasional hot drink, and I'm done for the day.

So to hell with the gardening, walking, tidying, knitting....I am not moving.  It is my Sunday afternoon, and I intend to spend doing exactly n.o.t.h.i.n.g.

(except blogging!)

Have a good one. x

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