Tuesday 17 October 2017

This top ten list has been borrowed from our good friends over at Live the Life You Want, which is a blog dedicated to helping people boost their self esteem, deal with stress and anxiety and basically get the life that they want!

We love this list because its simple and focussed and there is something in it for everyone....check it out.

  1. Make a list of people who love or value you.  Spend time with them.  It doesn’t have to be a long list – even just a single name will work.  Spending time with people who can see us as beautiful or strong or valuable forces us to see ourselves in that way too.  And the more time you spend with them, the more their view of us starts to rub off.
  2. Pay attention to how you talk to yourself.  Listen for the inner monologue that we all have…..like the voice that tells you you are clumsy when you bang your toe.  Pay attention to what that voice is telling you and don’t let it pull you down.  If you make a mistake and the voice tells you you are stupid or useless, know that you are not.  Fight back.
  3. Be assertive and don’t give in.  Often people with low self esteem will try hard to please others – stop.  Work on finding your value and only do what feels right and is appreciated.
  4. Do something you love and you are good at.  Do it often.  You will be surprised how much this can boost your confidence!
  5. Make a list of your good points – and this can be mental as well as physical.  It is just as valid to have kind eyes as it is to be easy to talk to.  Don’t miss anything off and don’t be embarrassed to be honest – no one need se you list except you….and its you that needs to see it after all.
  6. Relax!  Seriously!  Spend some time each day being relaxed and allowing your mind to rest.  Clearing your mind for a few minutes each day will create a sense of peace, declutter your mind, allow you to think more clearly and boost your memory.
  7. Make good choices when it comes to looking after yourself – eat healthily, don’t drink or use recreational drugs to boost confidence, do some exercise.  The better your body feels, the better your mind feels.
  8. Do something your have been putting off.  It will make you feel a strong sense of achievement and spur you on to do more – a very positive cycle!
  9. Give your appearance an overhaul.  Okay so this post is all about the mind and you might think that talking appearance is wrong…but hold on there….remember a time in your life when you wore something that made your feel unstopppable?  A hairstyle that felt amazing, shoes that made you walk taller?  Harness that feeling again.  Even the smallest change can make a huge difference to how good you feel about yourself.
  10. Smile.  Seriously.  It works.
And there you have it….ten ways to work on your self esteem.
My final recommendation would be to invest in a journal so that you can make a daily note of how you feel.
So go on….make a few changes and lets see how you get on.  You deserve to feel comfortable in your skin.  Everyone does.
You can also check out this website for a free guide to boost self esteem and if you are serious about getting back on your top form, you can also book a free online discovery session to see what support is out there for you.

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